Malaysia Mobile Apps Develop | Malaysia Web Design

Mobile App Package Price

Mobile App Package Price

Malaysia mobile app design, iphone apps, android apps, mobile app package, mobile app price, mobile app example, mobile app freelance, mobile apps develop, mobile app production!

(Basic) Mobile apps develop

**1 month to finish!

  • Server registration
  • Logo + Banner + Image + Mobile App Apps
  • Apps page creation
  • Admin management system CMS (You can update Apps content yourself in the future)
  • SEO search engine basic optimization (Apps Market)
  • $ price depends on severity
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Applicable: Personal Apps, Micro-enterprise Apps, Start-up Apps

(Standard) Mobile apps develop

**2 months to finish!

  • Server registration
  • Logo + Banner + Image + Mobile App Apps
  • Apps page creation
  • Admin management system CMS (You can update Apps content yourself in the future)
  • SEO search engine basic optimization (Apps Market)
  • $ price depends on severity
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Applicable to: SME Apps, apps for organizations

(Advance) Mobile apps develop

**3 months to finish!

  • Server registration
  • Logo + Banner + Image + Mobile App Apps
  • Apps page creation
  • Admin management system CMS (You can update Apps content yourself in the future)
  • SEO search engine basic optimization (Apps Market)
  • $ price depends on severity
  • Supports multiple languages
  • Applicable: Large-scale brand Apps, group apps, Apps platforms

Company mobile apps design and production

  • Server registration
  • Logo + Banner + Image + Mobile App Apps
  • Basic mobile phone programming (iPhone / Android)
  • Background management system CMS (You can update Apps content yourself in the future)
  • Support uploading to Apps Market

O2O platform mobile apps design and production

  • Server registration
  • Logo + Banner + Image + Mobile App Apps
  • O2O platform Apps production (member system, advertising system, merchant system, merchant list, merchant search, merchant details, merchant ratings, merchant rankings, social platforms Share)
  • Admin management system CMS (member management, merchant management, article management, advertisement management, comment management)
  • Merchant admin system (merchant information update)

Mobile App Shop Design and Production

  • Server registration
  • Logo + Banner + Image + Mobile App Apps
  • Shop Apps production (product management, online shopping system, order management, member management)
  • Admin management system CMS (you can update product details yourself in the future)

Nearly 10 years of experience in mobile apps, contact us immediately (24 hours service)

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